Fortress es un corto creado por el artista de origen ruso Dima Fedotof, que muestra un mundo donde la raza humana ha sido exterminada como consecuencia de la última guerra. A pesar de ello, sistemas automatizados continúan siguiendo sus instrucciones originales, bombardeando y destruyendo cualquier rastro de civilización.
In his latest video, Vjeko from RenderRam showcases a new AI tool called Rodin Hyper3D,…
Georgian archviz artist Michael Khachaturyan, from Michael Archviz Studio, presents the Making Of for his…
Meshroom is giving away this 3D model of the Aslak Chair, designed by Ilmari Tapiovaara…
Want to speed up your 3ds Max modeling workflow? Vjeko from RenderRam is here to…
Oliver from Upstairs teaches us how to create renders in the style of Fran Silvestre…
Vjeko from RenderRam shares 5 awesome 3ds Max scripts that will help you save a…