Erik Wernquist, quien se hizo conocido por el increíble trabajo que realizó con Wanderers, vuelve a sorprender con un corto elaborado para promover la llegada a Plutón de la sonda New Horizons, lanzanda por la NASA en 2006, y que tiene como fecha de encuentro con el planeta más lejano de nuestro sistema solar el 15 de Julio de 2015.
We’re back with the third part of Vjeko Kiraly’s 3ds Max Back to Basics series…
Vjeko from RenderRam returns with Part 2 of his Introduction to 3ds Max series, diving…
Jesús Ramírez from PTC presents 3 different techniques to create seamless textures and/or patterns from…
Vjeko from RenderRam shares a few tips and tricks to create realistic human wear and…
3D artist Vjeko Kiraly from RenderRam has just launched a new series of tutorials designed…
Expand your digital character collection with Renderpeople's Halloween-themed 3D posed people models, available as a…