Iván Zabalza, del estudio de visualización español Seña Paula, explica cómo utilizar el CoronaShadowCatcherMtl para renderizar una imagen, utilizarla como Environment y volver a renderizar sobre ella para poder integrar nuevos elementos sin necesidad de re-calcular nuevamente toda la escena.
Este tip es muy útil para ahorrar tiempo al momento de hacer correcciones exigidas por el cliente.
Discover how Vjeko transforms simple 3D scans into near-perfect 3D models using just a smartphone…
Learn how to do things like renaming objects, painting with geometry and using Viewport Canvas…
Vjeko presents part 4 of his introduction to 3ds Max series, and in this new…
Learn how to tackle complex shapes on curved surfaces in 3ds Max with this insightful…
We’re back with the third part of Vjeko Kiraly’s 3ds Max Back to Basics series…
Vjeko from RenderRam returns with Part 2 of his Introduction to 3ds Max series, diving…