This weekend the guys at Arrimus 3D share this 9-minute video on the main advantages and disadvantages of using shape-dependent vs shape-independent topology, and when to use each. (more…) [...]
Read moreWhy you should work your projects in 16-bit
In this 6-minute video tutorial, Unmesh Dinda from PiXimperfect explains why and when to work using either 16-bit or 8-bit in Photoshop. (more…) [...]
Read moreScripts for 3ds Max | Align Multiple Objects
Align Multiple Objects is a free script for 3ds Max developed by Spline Dynamics that will allow you to align geometry in a straight line following the X, Y or Z axis. Check out this link to access the files. [...]
Read moreHyrule Lost Woods Teaser
French 3D artist and photographer Romuald Chaigneau has shares this amazing teaser for his latest project: The Hyrule Lost Woods. (more…) [...]
Read moreSimulating lighting in post-production with Photoshop
Oliver from OU Graphics shares a step-by-step tutorial on how to simulate light for a night scene in post-production using Photoshop. (more…) [...]
Read moreFree 3D Models DCXXX | Mixed objects
From BlenderBoom come this pack with more than 50 3D models to download for free, which includes, fruits, vegetables, furniture, lamps and different kinds of decorations. (more…) [...]
Read moreA new repository to download high quality textures for free
Texture Box is a new repository for PBR materials under a CC0 license, with over 105 high quality assets to download for free. (more…) [...]
Read moreFree textures and panoramas
CGIVault is giving away all its resources under Creative Commons Attribution license, with resolution of up to 16K for textures and 50K for panoramas. (more…) [...]
Read moreHow to create wet surfaces with VrayDistanceTex
Adán Martin goes beyond the basics with this very insightful tutorial on how to simulate wet surfaces when a material is in contact with water, using VrayDistanceTex in 3ds Max. (more…) [...]
Read moreHow to match a subject into ANY background in photoshop
Another excellent tutorial by Jesús Ramírez, this time on how to match a subject into any kind of background with the help of Photoshop... And lots of tips for better compositing. [...]
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