
10 Cutouts bushes to download for free

Cutout Garden is giving away for free a couple of collections with a total of 10 high quality cutout bushes…

5 years ago

People Cutouts LXX

Vietnamese 3D artist based in Melbourne Duy Phan is giving away this collection with 16 foreground cutouts, with and without…

5 years ago

People Cutouts LXIX

Ukrainian 3D artist and architect Alexander Kuzmenko is giving away this impressive collection with dozens of high quality cutouts of people…

5 years ago

16 Free cutout trees

AA Textures is giving away this awesome pack with 16 high resolution trees to use in post-production, available with transparency…

5 years ago

People Cutouts LXVIII

The german archviz studio Xoio welcomes the festivities with this really cool gift: a cutout collection with more than 70…

5 years ago

10 Free tree cutouts for post-production

Bojan from german architectural visualization studio Kaiserbold gives away 10 PNG cutouts of trees to help make your life a…

5 years ago

People cutouts LXVII

The guys from architectural visualization studio Cylind have just launched CYLIND.SPACE, a new repository were you'll find tons of cutouts…

5 years ago

Recortes de personas LXVI

Desde Pictok llega este día martes esta colección con 15 nuevas escalas humanas de personas en distintas poses practicando yoga.…

6 years ago

Recortes de animales IV

Vamos cerrando la semana laboral con dos nuevas colecciones de recortes de animales de los chicos de Pictok, una de…

6 years ago

Recortes de animales III

Nuevamente los chicos de Pictok sorprenden con sus colecciones de escalas de animales, esta vez con recortes de perros y…

6 years ago