Marvelous Designer

Marvelous Designer

Modeling a backpack from start to finishModeling a backpack from start to finish

Modeling backpack from start to finish

Alex Zhigin presents this step-by-step modeling tutorial in which he shows his modeling process for creating a backpack using Marvelous…

2 years ago
How to create a realistic hanging towel with 3ds MaxHow to create a realistic hanging towel with 3ds Max

How to create realistic hanging towel with 3ds Max

In this tutorial by UK based archviz studio Pikcells, you will learn how to create a realistic hanging towel using…

2 years ago
A beginner’s guide to Marvelous DesignerA beginner’s guide to Marvelous Designer

A beginner’s guide to Marvelous Designer

Denis Keman is back again with this amazing beginner's guide to Marvelous Designer, in which you will learn how to…

4 years ago
How to animate a curtain blowing in the windHow to animate a curtain blowing in the wind

How to animate curtain blowing in the wind

From Arch Viz Artist comes this tutorial where you will learn how to animate a curtain blowing in the wind…

5 years ago
How to Make Furniture with Marvelous DesignerHow to Make Furniture with Marvelous Designer

How to Make Furniture with Marvelous Designer

Mason Menzies from Poliigon shows us how to make a piece of furniture, in this case, the Husk chair, using…

5 years ago
7 Sitios para descargar patrones de costura7 Sitios para descargar patrones de costura

7 Sitios para descargar patrones de costura

Travis Davids comparte una lista con 7 sitios para revisar y descargar diferentes patrones de costura para usar de base…

6 years ago
De principiante a experto con Marvelous DesignerDe principiante a experto con Marvelous Designer

De principiante experto con Marvelous Designer

Desde Flipped Normals llega hoy este tutorial para aprender todo lo necesario para convertirte en un maestro de Marvelous Designer.…

6 years ago
Cómo modelar cojines con Marvelous Designer y 3ds MaxCómo modelar cojines con Marvelous Designer y 3ds Max

Cómo modelar cojines con Marvelous Designer y 3ds Max

  Desde el canal de Youtube de Learn Arch Viz llega hoy este video tutorial sobre modelado de cojines con…

6 years ago
Cómo crear una pelota de fútbol en Marvelous DesignerCómo crear una pelota de fútbol en Marvelous Designer

Cómo crear una pelota de fútbol en Marvelous Designer

  Desde cg Cell llega hoy este video tutorial donde el artista 3D Alex Monteg nos enseña a crear una…

6 years ago
Cómo modelar telas tricotadas en 3ds MaxCómo modelar telas tricotadas en 3ds Max

Cómo modelar telas tricotadas en 3ds Max

  Denis Keman nos deja hoy con un excelente video tutorial donde nos explica cómo modelar telas tricotadas, o tejidas,…

6 years ago