Marvelous Designer

Marvelous Designer

Modeling backpack from start to finish

Alex Zhigin presents this step-by-step modeling tutorial in which he shows his modeling process for creating a backpack using Marvelous…

2 years ago

How to create realistic hanging towel with 3ds Max

In this tutorial by UK based archviz studio Pikcells, you will learn how to create a realistic hanging towel using…

2 years ago

A beginner’s guide to Marvelous Designer

Denis Keman is back again with this amazing beginner's guide to Marvelous Designer, in which you will learn how to…

4 years ago

How to animate curtain blowing in the wind

From Arch Viz Artist comes this tutorial where you will learn how to animate a curtain blowing in the wind…

5 years ago

How to Make Furniture with Marvelous Designer

Mason Menzies from Poliigon shows us how to make a piece of furniture, in this case, the Husk chair, using…

5 years ago

7 Sitios para descargar patrones de costura

Travis Davids comparte una lista con 7 sitios para revisar y descargar diferentes patrones de costura para usar de base…

5 years ago

De principiante experto con Marvelous Designer

Desde Flipped Normals llega hoy este tutorial para aprender todo lo necesario para convertirte en un maestro de Marvelous Designer.…

6 years ago

Cómo modelar cojines con Marvelous Designer y 3ds Max

  Desde el canal de Youtube de Learn Arch Viz llega hoy este video tutorial sobre modelado de cojines con…

6 years ago

Cómo crear una pelota de fútbol en Marvelous Designer

  Desde cg Cell llega hoy este video tutorial donde el artista 3D Alex Monteg nos enseña a crear una…

6 years ago

Cómo modelar telas tricotadas en 3ds Max

  Denis Keman nos deja hoy con un excelente video tutorial donde nos explica cómo modelar telas tricotadas, o tejidas,…

6 years ago