Align Pivot is an incredibly useful script, developed by Basachi Chan, that will help you improve your modeling workflow in 3ds Max by allowing you to better orient your working pivot when using vertices, edges or faces. Check out the video [...]
Read moreScripts for 3ds Max | PolyDamage 1.5
PolyDesign has just released a new version of PolyDamage, its 3ds Max script aimed at adding damage to your 3D models. (more…) [...]
Read moreScripts for 3ds Max | Smooth Bridge
Smooth Bridge 2.1 is a script for 3ds Max that comes as a modifier that allows you to smoothly bridge two open Edge Loops. (more…) [...]
Read moreScripts for 3ds Max | UnChamfer Pro
UnChamfer Pro is a script for 3ds Max , developed by PolyHertz, that allows you to automatically revert back chamfered geometry to its original state. (more…) [...]
Read moreScripts for 3ds Max | Edge Loop Length Tool
Edge Loop Length Tool is a script for 3ds Max developed by PolyHertz which lets you copy/paste or unify the length of a selection. (more…) [...]
Read moreScripts for 3ds Max | PolySnow Plus
Meet PolySnow Plus, a 3ds Max Script developed by Poly Design that will allow you to easily create realistic-looking snow with just a couple of clicks. (more…) [...]
Read moreHow to use PolyCloth for 3ds Max
Arrimus 3D shows how you can take advantage of the PolyCloth script for 3ds Max to quickly and easily model things like cushions, wrinkles and even fat. Check out the video below. You can get PolyCloth V2 here. [...]
Read more8 Plugins to consider using in 3ds Max
Agnieszka Klich from Arch Viz Artist shares this video in which she presents a list with 8 of her favorite 3ds Max plugins. (more…) [...]
Read moreScripts for 3ds Max | PolyCloth
PolyCloth is a physics based cloth brushes plugin for 3ds Max, developed by PolyDesign, that will allow you to easily add wrinkles and folds to your meshes. (more…) [...]
Read moreNew Ivy Generator plugin for 3ds Max
A new Ivy Generator plugin for 3ds Max developed by Guillermo Leal has been just released, replacing the original Ivy Grow script by Guruware, which is been discontinued for a few years now. (more…) [...]
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