Andrew Price from Poliigon has launched a new video series in which he shares his workflow for modeling, uvw unwrapping…
Andrew Price from Poliigon and Blender Guru shares this tutorial on how to tile a 1 x 1 meter seamless…
Mason Menzies from Poliigon shows us how to make a piece of furniture, in this case, the Husk chair, using…
Steve Lund from CG Geek explains his photogrammetry workflow to 3D scan objects with the help of free-to-use software Meshroom…
Henning Sanden and Morten Jager from FlippedNormals share this video on the importance of carefully planning your UV layout before…
Blender Guru and Poliigon founder Andrew Price has recently launched a great series of begginer-focused tutorials to learn Blender 2.8.…
Andrew Price presenta hoy un excelente resumen donde explica cuáles son las novedades que trae la nueva versión de Blender…
En el siguiente video Gleb Alexandrov, de Creative Shrimp, explica cuáles son las ventajas y desventajas de usar Ngons, o…
Andrew Price de Blender Guru ha lanzado hace unos días este increíble curso donde conversa sobre los diferentes aspectos…
Andrew Price, de Blender Guru y Poliigon, comparte un video donde analiza artística y técnicamente una serie de renders…