The Real Fake Cameras of Toy Story 4

The Real Fake Cameras of Toy Story 4

Evan Puschak from The Nerdwriter has published this very interesting video called "The Real Fake Cameras of Toy Story 4", where he talks about the use of real world lenses in a completely digital environment. (more…) [...]

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Northern Wisps

Northern Wisps

Northern Wisps is a short film by Bartosz Domiczek which presents a series of prism-shaped cabins in different environments, surrounded by rock, fog and water. (more…) [...]

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Goodbye Uncanny Valley

Goodbye Uncanny Valley

  Goodbye Uncanny Valley es un micro documental creado por Alan Warburton que trata el concepto del Valle Inquietante, el cual hace referencia al mundo de la robótica y el CGI, donde el contacto visual con una representación humana (more…) [...]

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  Tim Cahn presenta Entropy, un corto de ciencia ficción que muestra el viaje de una nave lejos de los confines de la Tierra, y su posterior traspaso a través de un agujero de gusano. (more…) [...]

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